In Your Own Language!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

In Night's Presence...

Last night was so beautiful that sleep was eluding me! I was lying down on my bed, which was half drowned in moon’s shimmering light, and tried with everything in me to sleep, to mute the loud voices inside my head.  There was something about Night’s presence, that every time I sought her, she surrounded me, she made me feel safe! Her quietness, Her shadows, Her lone silent songs did havoc on my senses.

After hours of trying to sleep and in vain, I got out of my bed and walked towards my window and just stood there, staring into nothingness. I stood there and thought about all the things that was bothering me, the never ending fears, the endless insecurities, the silent cries of my heart.

Then in a snap, just like that I forgot, I forgot that I am being chased by my demons, the past that never seems to let go of me. It was then that I felt her presence, Night’s presence. Her moon shinning brightly in the sky, the black shroud that she has cast over everything surrounding me, the stillness of her beauty and her presence everything. Suddenly, I did not feel alone. I felt accepted, I felt Night hugging me tight and whispering that I am not alone, that Night herself is with me. Right there, in that moment, I felt the voices inside my head subside and I let myself be free!


  1. I am fascinated by night too mainly as a writer...

  2. The night....what can I say about it that will ever be enough... :)
