In Your Own Language!

Saturday, 16 August 2014

~Starting Fresh~

How important is “starting fresh”?

Starting fresh” is the best thing that can happen to you. Why…? Simple…! You grow up in a town among people who soon become our family, friends, best friends, relatives. Relationships are the best thing that can happen to you, so are the memories that you built with them over the years.

After few years, you start feeling constricted, bounded to the family, friends, relatives that you made over the years. You get stuck in the cage of their expectations from us, to your responsibilities towards them. And somewhere in the middle, you forget where you as an individual stand in this world. You forget our identity, you aspirations and start defining or refining yourselves from the point of view of how people want to see you! You want to move forward but you can’t move beyond a point, you remain stuck in the humdrum life of yours, clinging by a thread to your sanity.

Desperation, depression, worthlessness, insanity, self-destruction takes hold of you!

That’s when you need to break free, to escape the human cave and be free. To break free from the bonds of relations, their expectations, their captivity and expand your wings as far as possible to find out that thing, the one unique thing, that makes you “YOU”!